
Gold Supporters

Silver Supporters

Important Dates

Technical Tracks:

February 6, 2009 midnight Hawaii time (extended)Paper submission deadline
March 16, 2009Notification to authors
April 22, 2009 (extended)Camera-ready (final papers to ACM)
June 30-July 1, 2009Conference days

Workshops Proposal:

December 27, 2008 (extended)Submission of proposals
January 4, 2009 (extended)Notification to proposers
January 12, 2009The organizers of each workshop send out the Call for Papers
June 29, 2009Workshops day

Demos/Posters Session with proceedings:

March 23, 2009Submission
March 30, 2009Notification
April 22 , 2009 (extended)Camera-ready due
June 30, 2009Demos/Posters day

Demos/Posters Session without proceedings:

April 20, 2009Submission
May 4, 2009Notification
June 30, 2009Demos/Posters day