
Gold Supporters

Silver Supporters

Poster & Demo Program

Following the call for Posters and Demos, we will have 32 posters/demos presented during Hypertext 2009. They will be presented in three different sessions, in order to give enough time for interaction and questions (see program):

Posters and Demos will be set up in in foyer of room A and room B for interactive sessions.
You will set up a poster with the content of your paper. The poster board is A1 size, which holds up to eight A4 landscape prints. Pins or tape will be available to put up your poster. The poster space will already be available on Monday 29th, starting at 9:00 a.m. If you are presenting a demo, we still ask you prepare a poster, and additionally you are responsible of carrying with you everything you need (e.g., notebooks, touch screens). We will provide a desk and Internet connection. However, you are kindly invited to ask us for any special needs.

The following demos and posters will be presented at the conference. Abstracts submitted before March 23th will appear in the proceedings.

Accepted demos

Accepted posters